Factors to Consider When Installing a Fence

A new fence and gate is a major investment for your property, and no matter the size of your home or business, you want to know that your hard earned cash has been well spent. When installing a new fence, you might not know where to start in the decision making process. Many homeowners will exclusively focus on the obvious aspects, such as aesthetics and cost, but there are many more factors that also need to be carefully considered to make sure you’re choosing the right fence for your property.

One of the first things you’re likely to think about when choosing fences and gates is your budget. You need a fence and gate that is fit for purpose, but within your price range.
While wrought iron is often the preferred material for fences and gates in the UK, it can be more costly than wood, particularly if a large area needs to be fenced off. However, it’s also important to consider the long term maintenance involved in wood fences, which must be regularly painted, costing you more in the long run.

Without proper maintenance, you might even find that a wood fence needs to be completely replaced within a few years, unlike wrought iron fences which could easily stand tall for decades if properly maintained.
Therefore, it’s important to strike a balance between upfront and long term spending when deciding which material to choose.

A fundamental choice you need to make when installing new fences and gates is design.
Perhaps you live in a historic area with old red-brick buildings, so you need a look that is timeless, classic, and in keeping with your area. In this case, wrought iron is the natural choice; it will add an elegant look to your property that does justice to your home and will look beautiful for years to come. With more modern houses, wood or aluminium fences and gates are often a lot more complementary to the property, and wouldn’t appear out of place next to your home like a traditional looking wrought iron fence might.

The purpose of your fence is crucial to consider when choosing your materials and design. You need to ask yourself what it is you’re hoping to get from installing new fences and gates, whether that simply be to improve the look of your home, or to add security to your commercial property.

Where security is a concern, for example protection of expensive company equipment, or safeguarding of pupils in a school, wrought iron fences should definitely be the go-to choice. They provide a much more hard-wearing solution than wood, preventing anyone from breaking through them or causing any damage.

You may even want to consider a gate with access control, such as a keypad or intercom system for an extra layer of security.
If privacy is important, wood fences and gates will win out over wrought iron every time. A solid wooden fence won’t let anyone look in to your property, while a wrought iron fence will have gaps between bars that do nothing to reduce visibility. If you have young children or pets, you might want to purchase a self-closing gate to increase safety and make sure they stay on your property.

Once you’ve made your decisions on which type of gate you need, it’s important to think about any local planning permission or conservation requirements, as well as ensuring your fence is not being installed beyond your property line.
Fortunately, our team of experts are well versed on all the requirements to consider when designing and installing a fence, so give us a call on 01455 847 548 and let us find the perfect solution for your property.